Creating a Short Cut data logger program

You must provide a program for the data logger in order for it to make measurements, store data, or control external devices. There are several ways to write a program. The simplest is to use the program generator called Short Cut. For more complex programming, CRBasic Editor is used. The program file may use the extension .CR300, .CRB, or .DLD.

Data logger programs are executed on a precise schedule termed the Closedscan interval, based on the data logger internal clock.

Measurements are first stored in temporary memory called Closedvariables in the ClosedPublic table. Data stored in variables is usually overwritten each scan. Periodically, generally on a time interval, the data logger stores data in tables. The Closeddata tables are later copied to a computer using your data logger support software.

Use ClosedShort Cut software to generate a program for your data logger. Short Cut is included with your Closeddata logger support software.

This section guides you through programming a CR300 series data logger to measure the voltage of the data logger power supply, the internal temperature of the data logger, and a thermocouple. With minor changes, these steps can apply to other measurements. Use the following instructions or watch the Quickstart part 3 video :

  1. Using data logger support software, launch Short Cut.

  2. Click Create New Program.

  3. Select CR300 Series and click Next.


    The first time Short Cut is run, a prompt asks for a noise rejection choice. Select 60 Hz Noise Rejection for North America and areas using 60 Hz ac voltage. Select 50 Hz Noise Rejection for most of the Eastern Hemisphere and areas that operate at 50 Hz.

    A second prompt lists sensor support options. Campbell Scientific, Inc. (US) is usually the best fit outside of Europe.

    To change the noise rejection or sensor support option for future programs, use the Program menu.

  1. Lists of Available Sensors and Devices and Selected Measurements Available for Output are displayed. Battery voltage BattV and internal temperature PTemp_C are selected by default. During operation, battery and temperature should be recorded at least daily to assist in monitoring system status.

  2. Use the Search feature or expand folders to locate your sensor or device. Double-click on a sensor or measurement in the Available Sensors and Devices list to configure the device (if needed) and add it to the Selected list. For the example program, expand the Sensors and Temperature folders and double-click Type T Thermocouple.

  3. If the sensor or device requires configuration, a window displays with configuration options. Click Help at the bottom of the window to learn more about any field or option. For the example program, accept the default options:

    • 1 Type T TC sensor

    • Temp_C as the Temperature label, and set the units to Deg C

    • PTemp_C as the Reference Temperature Measurement

  4. Click the Wiring tab at the top of the page to see how to wire the sensor to the data logger. With the power disconnected from the data logger, insert the wires as directed in the diagram. Ensure you clamp the terminal on the wire, not the colored insulation. Use the included flat-blade screwdriver to open and close the terminals.

  5. Click OK.

  1. Click Next.

  2. Use the Output Setup options to specify how often to make measurements and how often outputs are to be stored. Type 1 in the How often should the data logger measure its sensor(s)? box. Leave the units as Seconds.

  3. Multiple output intervals can be specified, one for each output table (Table1 and Table2 tabs). For the example program, only one table is needed. Click the Table2 tab and click Delete Table.

  4. In the Table Name box, type a name for the table. For example: OneMin.

  5. Select a Data Output Storage Interval. For example: 1 minute.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select a measurement from the Selected Measurements Available for Output list, then click an output processing option to add the measurement to the Selected Measurements for Output list. For the example program, select BattV and click the Minimum button to add it to the Selected Measurements for Output list. Do not store the exact time that the minimum occurred. Repeat this procedure for an Average PTemp_C and Average Temp_C.

    (Click image to expand/collapse display)

  8. Click Finish and give the program a meaningful name such as a site identifier. Click Save.

  9. If LoggerNet or other data logger support software is running on your computer, and the data logger is connected to the computer (see Making the software connection for more information), you can choose to send the program. Generally it is best to collect data first; so, we recommend sending the program using the instructions in Sending a program to the data logger. Click No, do not send the program to the data logger.


    It is good practice to always retrieve data from the data logger before sending a program; otherwise, data may be lost. See Collecting data for detailed instruction.

  10. Make note of the newly generated program location and filename. By default, programs created with Short Cut are stored in C:\Campbellsci\SCWin\.

  11. Close Short Cut.

If your data acquisition requirements are simple, you can probably create and maintain a data logger program exclusively with Short Cut. If your data acquisition needs are more complex, the files that Short Cut creates are a great source for programming code to start a new program or add to an existing custom program using CRBasic. See the CRBasic Editor help for detailed information on program structure, syntax, and each instruction available to the data logger .


Once a Short Cut generated program has been edited with CRBasic Editor, it can no longer be modified with Short Cut.